Zeno’s Potty Break

duckThe frequency of your child’s toilet stops is inversely proportional to the distance to your destination.

Where is the child’s frequency of potty breaks, is the original distance to be driven, is the distance traveled, and is the child’s coefficient of urinary resilience.  If more than one child is present, each child’s function will have its own coefficient of urinary resilience, and operate independently of all others.



For me, when everything goes wrong – that’s when adventure starts.
~Yvon Chouinard

tortoiseThe Adventure Begins
“There’s oil coming out”, Jan calls.  I guess I didn’t come off that rock slowly enough.  In hindsight, a skid plate would have been a great idea, but now we’re six miles from the campground at Eureka Dunes, over fifty miles from the nearest town, and about twenty miles from cell reception.  The course of action is clear: 1. get off these rocks, 2. cut the engine, 3. get the car back to the campground, and 4. find reception to call my dad. Continue reading